Meet the Maker:

Courtney Anderson


Arrowwood Designs started out as a hobby back in 2012 when I made jewelry to build my portfolio for my dream job at Anthropologie. It slowed down, because I got the job (yay!), but I kept it up as a side hustle making jewelry, macrame and woven wall hangings for friends and Etsy shoppers. It was so much fun, so I started making more pieces and would set up at shows like Flea Style and Renegade Craft Fair. It then grew into freelance fixture building and window displays for companies, which is when I met Carley Seale who owns Favor The Kind in Dallas. When the Creative Director position opened up there, I jumped on it because working for small businesses brings me so much joy! I have been there ever since and very recently decided to make Arrowwood my full-time gig. I am currently doing freelance work for Favor The Kind, Bed Bath and Beyond and am making custom tables and display fixtures for clients. I am basically a jack of all trades, so I love giving creative direction and helping people with whatever projects they are working on!